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6 Tips for Writing Better Instagram Posts and Engaging Your Followers

By Devon Brown Even though I take terrible photos, I was able to build an Instagram audience of over 6,000 followers who actually interact and comment on my posts, want to know how? Captions! For those of us who flunked photography, Instagram gives us 2,200 characters to redeem ourselves.  Here are some tips to help […] ...

5 Ways to Finish a Paper

And they lived happily ever after. It’d be awesome if all papers could end that simply. However, be it a 500-word essay, a detailed research paper, or a 10-page report, there are a few fundamental rules when finishing a paper. All good conclusions are a summary of the paper’s main points, they never bring in […] ...

9 Steps to Writing a Great Research Paper

By Amanda Marie Clark The research paper can be intimidating for even the most well-seasoned writer. Working on such a big task isn’t exactly what most of us want to do with our out-of-class time. But you can own that process and come out with a paper you’re proud of. Let’s break up that research […] ...

Antiquated but Awesome Words You Need to Use Right Now

By Devon Brown Have you ever wished there was a word to describe that delicious smell after rain falls? Actually there is! The English language is many centuries old, and like clothes, words fall in and out of fashion. After some digging, we’ve found a few gems ready to make a come back. If you’re […] ...

Step Up Your Adjective Game!

Have you ever written a paper only to realize that you’re using the same, exact vocabulary over and over again? Acknowledged that you’ve totally used words like “logical”, “thorough,” and “crucial” so many times they’ve lost all meaning? Writing a paper for a college class can feel like a bit of a drag sometimes. When […] ...

4 Simple Steps to Writing a Good Thesis Statement

What is a Thesis Statement Exactly? A thesis statement is a single sentence that explains the argument you want to present in a paper. It is most often located in the first or second paragraph of your paper. If your paper is a tree, the thesis statement is the single seed it grows from. You […] ...

Adverbs: To Use or Not To Use?

Hemingway abhorred them. Stephen King famously quipped, “I believe the road to hell is paved with adverbs.” If there can be such a thing as a controversial part of speech, adverbs probably are it.   On the one hand, adverbs can be useful tools to enhance your writing. They can convey important information about how […] ...

6 Tips for Writing Better Facebook Posts

by Amanda Cross How do you create a Facebook post that gets engagement, showcases your best skills, and doesn’t create a cyclone of regret later? Keep reading for some excellent advice on how to write Facebook posts you can be proud of! 1. Always check for spelling and grammar Text or internet speak is different […] ...

Write the Best Formal Thank You Note in 5 Simple Steps

We all need a little help in school (and life). Showing appreciation for all our parents and friends have done for us usually happens casually, whether it be a simple “thank you,” returning the favor, or another gesture. But what about those times where a little formality is needed? Like thanking your teacher for writing […] ...

4 Ways to Battle Writer’s Block (and Win)

by Amanda ClarkWriter’s block. We’ve all experienced this demon. You get an assignment, sit down to begin, and BAM! Nothing. Or you write a stellar first page, feel like a writing rock star and then—BAM! Nothing. When you have deadlines to meet, a foggy brain can be more than a nuisance. Next time, skip the […] ...